Junior Research Groups at the HZDR

Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups

With the Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups, the Helmholtz Association fosters the early academic independence of excellent young researchers and offers them secure career prospects.The young scientists receive up to €300,000 in funding per year for five years, which allows them to set up and lead their own research group.

DRESDEN-concept (DDc) Research Group

HZDR's Junior Research Groups

With the HZDR junior research groups we want to promote talented young scientists and give them the opportunity to lead their own research group with independent budget. The current rules for HZDR junior research groups can be found here.

Currently, there are the the following groups:

European Research Council (ERC) Grant

Young Investigator Groups funded by the DFG (Emmy Noether Program)

Young Investigator Groups funded by the BMBF

Completed Junior Research Groups