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Press Release of 22.04.2024

Magnetic with a pinch of hydrogen: Research team develops new idea to improve the properties of ultra-thin materials

Magnetic two-dimensional materials consisting of one or a few atomic layers have only recently become known and promise interesting applications, for example for the electronics of the future. So far, however, it has not been possible to control …


News of 19.04.2024

In Gedenken an Peter Fulde – Wegberei­ter der theoretischen Festkörperphysik

Wir trauern um Prof. Dr. Peter Fulde, der am 11. April 2024, kurz nach seinem 88. Geburtstag, verstorben ist. Der Dresdner Ausnahmewissenschaftler war dem HZDR über viele Jahre eng verbunden, unter anderem von 2000 bis 2008 als Mitglied des …


Press Release of 16.04.2024

Uranium-immobilizing bacteria in clay rock: Microbial reduction reduces mobility of uranium compounds

When designing repositories for high-level radioactive waste in deep geological layers, various factors must be carefully considered to ensure their long-term safety. Among other things, natural communities of microorganisms can …



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