Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit / Pflichtpraktikum / Freiwilliges Praktikum

Experimental investigation of Taylor bubble shape in narrow tubes with constrictions (Id 390)

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The presence of geometrical singularities in pipes may significantly affect the behavior of two-phase flow and subsequently the liquid film thickness or bubble shape. Therefore, it is an important subject of investigation in particular when the application concerns industrial safety and design.
In this work, the shape of individual air Taylor bubble in vertical tubes with constrictions subjected to counter-current liquid is experimentally performed and the influence of the obstacle on the bubble shape is analyzed. The restrictions that the constrictions on narrow tubes imposes on the motion of the interface, and its effect on the bubble shape, will be addressed in terms of geometrical and flow parameters.

In this work, the student will experimentally investigate and record high quality images and gain knowledge about experimental work regarding two-phase flow, image acquisition with MATLAB and data organization. The results will lead to the development of a flow regime map in function of diameter and viscosity.

Institut: Institut für Fluiddynamik

Kontakt: Maestri, Rhandrey


General interest in fluid mechanics;
Preliminary experience in experimental work is desirable;
Good written and oral communication skills in either English or German.


Immediate start;
Duration of the internship is anticipated to be 3 months but can be modified according to study regulations;
Remuneration according to HZDR internal regulations.