Actinide physics and chemistry with synchrotron radiation

Actinide physics and chemistry with synchrotron radiation

Kvashnina, K. O.; Butorin, S. M.; Wang, S.; Shi, W.


Actinide research is currently experiencing a renaissance in the fields of material science,
nanotechnology, medicine and environmental science. It is now possible to study the
chemistry and physics of the actinide elements (all radioactive) using state-of-the-art
non-destructive techniques at synchrotrons which have not been available before. The
beamlines and instruments dedicated to actinide research have made various spectro-
scopic and scattering methods accessible to scientists worldwide. The new synchrotron
sources at the large-scale facilities offer more advanced possibilities for the development
of new methodologies in actinide science in the future. Theoretical studies of actinides
are followed by unique experimental methods and novel experimental data.

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