Advanced two-phase flow measurement techniques at Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf - sensors, systems and applications

Advanced two-phase flow measurement techniques at Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf - sensors, systems and applications

Hampel, U.


Understanding and modelling of two-phase flow is a key issue in nuclear engineering and in many other engineering fields. The Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf is, amongst others, engaged in safety research for nuclear light water reactors and performs combined experimental and theoretical work on two-phase flow phenomena. In the frame of this work considerable effort has been spent in the past to develop innovative two-phase flow measuring techniques. Special focus has been given to imaging techniques which are able to resolve phase distributions at high temporal and spatial resolution. The presentation introduces the most advanced of these techniques, including different types of wire-mesh sensors, gamma ray tomography and ultra fast electron beam tomography and discusses application of such techniques and systems in basic research as well as industrial applications.

Keywords: Two-phase flow; flow measurement

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Meeting der Industrial Tomography Systems Ltd., 01.04.2008, Manchester, UK
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Frontier Seminar at Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, Leeds University, 2.4.2008, Leeds, UK
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Research Seminar, School of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Nottinhgam University, 3.4.2008, Nottingham, UK
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Research Seminar, Nuclear Physics Group, Positron Imaging Centre, Birmingham University, 4.3.2008, Birmingham, UK
