Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA)

Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA)

Bemmerer, D.


Deep underground in the Gran Sasso national laboratory in Italy, the 400 kV LUNA accelerator supplying up to 0.5 mA H+ and He+ beams has been installed. Due to the 3400 meters (water equivalent) overburden present at Gran Sasso, the cosmic-ray induced laboratory background in gamma-ray detectors is strongly reduced at LUNA. The accelerator is being used for the study of radiative-capture reactions of astrophysical interest, both by in-beam gamma-ray spectrometry and by activation. The features of the site and accelerator will be shown on the poster; some applications and a future outlook will also be presented.

  • Poster
    IEEE-NSS 2008 Nuclear Science Symposium, 19.-25.10.2008, Dresden, Deutschland
