Next jump of energy efficiency of photovoltaics technology - not only a vision!

Next jump of energy efficiency of photovoltaics technology - not only a vision!

von Borany, J.


Present strategies of photovoltaic (PV) industry are strongly directed to lower the fabrication costs and/or to enhance the solar cell efficiency with the overall aim to achieve grid parity in near future. Bandgap engineered materials including semiconductor and metal nanoparticles can contribute to reduce energy conversion losses due to thermalization and missing infrared light absorption. Based on such materials, the European PV roadmap describes a clear route towards solar cells with significantly enhanced efficiencies.

Keywords: photovoltatics; 3rd generation solar cells; nanostructures

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    7th Innovationsforum for Automation, 21.-22.01.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
