Cross-Section Measurements of the 86Kr(gamma,n) Reaction to Probe the s-Process Branching at 85Kr

Cross-Section Measurements of the 86Kr(gamma,n) Reaction to Probe the s-Process Branching at 85Kr

Raut, R.; Banu, A.; Iliadis, C.; Kelley, J. H.; Rusev, G.; Schwengner, R.; Tonchev, A. P.; Tornow, W.


For the first time, cross-section measurements were carried out for the 86 Kr(gamma,n) reaction in order to probe the s-process branching point nucleus 85Kr. The branching point nuclei in the s-process path are of importance in testing and constraining the nucleosynthesis models. Cross-section measurement for the photoneutron reaction on the neighbouring stable isotope is carried out to deduce the aforesaid neutron capture cross-section, as has been adopted in the present case of 85Kr branching point. The cross-section results from the 86 Kr(gamma,n) reaction were compared with the statistical model calculations using TALYS code.

Keywords: Monoenergetic gamma rays; photodisintegration; neutron detection; cross section; s-process; waiting point; statistical models
