Changing General Conditions in Energy Industry as a Challenge for the Management of Energy Supply Companies

Changing General Conditions in Energy Industry as a Challenge for the Management of Energy Supply Companies

Stiller, D.


The article deals with the general conditions in energy industrie as a basis for new management tasks of energy supply companies. First, the changing market situation as a reason for the regulation will be explained, followed by the development of directives and regulations in european law and their impact on the german energy law. Finally, the influence of regulation on the legal structure and the organization as well as the accounting of energy supply companies will be shown.

Keywords: energy supply company; energy law; competition on energy markets; natural monopoly; regulation; unbundling

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    International Doctoral Seminar, 15.-17.05.2011, Smolenice, Slovakei
