Using Agile Development Platforms for Continuous Integration, Code Review and Collaboration

Using Agile Development Platforms for Continuous Integration, Code Review and Collaboration

Schlegel, F.


The reality of scientific software development is of a more or less agile nature. As such, modern code development platforms such as GitHub or GitLab are a great fit to support this process. With their components (issues, projects, continuous integration, etc.) they match the agile development components, merge request enforce a cross-check for all code changes. While a lot of other development workflows are possible, this talk will present the best practice established for large and small projects at HZDR for using these platforms for software development projects.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2019, 12.-14.06.2019, Zürich, Schweiz
