Nontrivial Aharonov-Bohm effect and alternating dispersion of magnons in cone-state ferromagnetic rings

Nontrivial Aharonov-Bohm effect and alternating dispersion of magnons in cone-state ferromagnetic rings

Uzunova, V.; Körber, L.; Kavvadia, A.; Quasebarth, G.; Schultheiß, H.; Kakay, A.; Ivanov, B.


Soft magnetic dots in the form of thin rings have unique topological properties. They can be in a vortex state with no vortex core. Here, we study the magnon modes of such systems both analytically and numerically. In an external magnetic field, magnetic rings are characterized by easy-cone magnetization and shows a giant splitting of doublets for modes with the opposite value of the azimuthal mode quantum number. The effect of the splitting can be refereed as a magnon analog of the topology-induced Aharonov-Bohm effect. For this we develop an analytical theory to describe the non-monotonic dependence of the mode frequencies on the azimuthal mode number, influenced by the balance between the local exchange and non-local dipole interactions.

Keywords: Spin waves; Topology; Vortex; Magnetism; Aharonov-Bohm effect; Micromagnetism

