Preparation of 5‑[131I]iodotubercidin for the detection of adenosine kinase

Preparation of 5‑[131I]iodotubercidin for the detection of adenosine kinase

Bier, D.; Holschbah, M.; Wedekind, F.; Sihver, W.; Drewes, B.; Schulze, A.; Neumaier, F.; Neumaier, B.; Bauer, A.


5-Iodotubercidin is a prototype adenosine kinase (AK) inhibitor with potent anti-seizure activity in rodent epilepsy models.
Using the chloramine-T method for radioiodination of tubercidin with 131I, we prepared no-carrier-added 5-[131I]iodotubercidin
(5-[131I]IT) in a radiochemical yield of 61 ± 13% and with a radiochemical purity of > 99% (molar activity = 10–40 GBq/
μmol). In vitro competition and saturation experiments demonstrated specific binding of 5-[131I]IT in rodent brain slices
(KD ~ 31 nM), but ex vivo autoradiography revealed its accumulation in cerebral vessels. We conclude that 5-[131I]IT could
be a useful tool for the detection and quantification of AK in in vitro studies.

Keywords: nucleoside adenosine kinase inhibitor (AKI); n.c.a. radioiodination; iodotubercidin; in vitro/ex vivo autoradiography
