Magnetic and collective rotation in 79Br

Magnetic and collective rotation in 79Br

Schwengner, R.; Dönau, F.; Servene, T.; Schnare, H.; Reif, J.; Winter, G.; Käubler, L.; Prade, H.; Skoda, S.; Eberth, J.; Thomas, H. G.; Becker, F.; Fiedler, B.; Freund, S.; Kasemann, S.; Steinhardt, T.; Thelen, O.; Härtlein, T.; Ender, C.; Köck, F.; Reiter, P.; Schwalm, D.


Excited states of the nucleus 79Br were investigated via the reaction
76Ge(7Li,4n) at 35 MeV. Coincidence data of emitted gamma rays
were measured with an arrangement of six EUROBALL CLUSTER detectors.
The E2 bands built on the 9/2+ and 3/2- states were extended up to
J = 37/2 at E \approx 8.8 MeV. The M1 band starting with a 15/2-
state at 2.6 MeV was extended to J = (29/2) at E = 6.4 MeV. Cross-over
E2 transitions within this band were observed for the first time. Mean
lifetimes of 17 levels were deduced using the Doppler-shift-attenuation method.
The M1 band can be described within theTilted-Axis-Cranking model on the
basis of the tilted three-quasiparticle configuration
pi(g9/2) nu (g9/2) nu (fp) which has a triaxial shape. This band
appears as a mixed case including contributions of both, magnetic and
collective rotation.

Keywords: Nuclear spectroscopy; Cluster detectors; Magnetic and collective rotation; Tilted-axis cranking model

  • Physical Review C, Vol. 65, 044326
