The Radiation Source ELBE at the Research Center Rossendorf

The Radiation Source ELBE at the Research Center Rossendorf

Lehnert, U.; Büchner, A.; Büttig, H.; Enghardt, W.; Evtushenko, P.; Gabriel, F.; Gippner, P.; Grosse, E.; Guratzsch, H.; Michel, P.; Naumann, B.; Neubert, W.; Prade, H.; Schamlott, A.; Schilling, K. D.; Schwengner, R.; Seidel, W.; Teichert, J.; Voigtländer, J.; Wagner, A.; Wagner, W.; Wolf, A.; Wolf, U.; Wünsch, R.


At the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) the new facility ELBE for research with various kinds of radiation is presently under construction. ELBE is centered around a superconductiong Electron Linac which will produce quasi-continuous beams of high Brillance and low Emittance. Preliminary results of the first stage accelerator tests will be shown. The 40 MeV / 1 mA electron beam will be used to drive free-electron lasers for the production of infrared light in the 5-510µm wavelength range. X-ray beams in the 5-50 keV energy range will be generated using channeling radiation. Additionally, the ELBE facility will provide bremsstrahlung and photoneutron beams for investigations in nuclear physics and technology.

  • Beitrag zu fremdem Sammelwerk
    Electron-Photon Interaction in Dense Mediaed. H. Wiedemann NATO Science Series II Vol. (2002) 49 p. 313
