Overview REDOS Work-Package 3 - Comparisons of REDOS Participants Calculation Results and C/E Comparisons for the VVER-1000 Mockup at the LR-0 Reactor

Overview REDOS Work-Package 3 - Comparisons of REDOS Participants Calculation Results and C/E Comparisons for the VVER-1000 Mockup at the LR-0 Reactor

Böhmer, B.


Neutron and gamma fluence calculation results of participants of the REDOS project for the VVER-1000 mock-up at the LR0-reactor in Rez had been compared between themselves and with measured data. 11 fluence spectrum integrals and neutron and gamma DPA-values obtained independently by 6 participants from 4 countries were included into the comparison. For fast neutrons mostly excellent agreement between participants results and with experimental data was reached. For thermal neutrons and photons the agreement was much worse.

Keywords: reactor pressure vessel dosimetry; neutron and gamma fluence spectra

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    REDOS Progress Meeting, September 3-6, 2003, Elena, Bulgaria

Permalink: https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-6109